A district road sounds like fun until you see the the ups & downs of the kloofs along the way. Once we had crossed into the Wilderness area we had to negotiate a 5km, 400m rough decent into the river valley far below, followed by an equally challenging ascent of around 9km to the top of the pass. We walked a lot !!!
We were however rewarded with a distant view of the sea near Jeffreys bay before heading right into the Baviaans again via the old treacherous Osseberg jeep track.
Verstaan julle tubed walla's nou hoekom tubeless tyres so belangerik is - jy kan nerens anders ry nie, behalwe bo oor die al dorings !!!
We crisscrossed the river in the valley 11 times in knee deep icy water along the 25km Osseberg route thru the Baviaanskloof. Stunning dramatic geographical landscapes surrounded us with blooming plumbago lining the track. The 'veldflowers' are equally stunning if you take some tiime to notice them.
It was a tough (98km) but perfect day in every respect. Even the weather was clear, sunny & warm with only a light breeze ! Jean (Dave's mom) awaited us @ 'Kudu Kaya' with a glowing fire, delicious toasted cheese croutons, chicken & potato soup & an equally delicious lamb stew.
I've discovered that my bikes BB cup threads are striped which is a major mechanical problem !!! I may be able to have it fixed at Prince Albert, which is still 2 days & about 350km's away !!!
I want to finish this challenge because I have perservered with two broken saddle bags, a badly slashed & now useless spare tyre, a bruised shin, an inflamed aching knee, an inflamed achillies tendon (other leg) & a dislocated finger, not to mention the horrendous muddy, wet, snowy, cold miserable bloody weather.
Nonetheless it's been a mindblowing experience all round & I am looking forward to the last few days of my epic adventure. Tomorrow we hope to cover two stages of around 170 odd km's to Willomore skipping Dam se Drift. We'll see how we go.
We've just eaten a ton of food & other goodies & I'm starving again. Anyone got a bunnychow handy ?.....